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Alchemy of time

This mural was created on the facades of Hangar 1825, along the scenic area of the Lachine Canal, to celebrate the canal's first anniversary.
My project was titled "Alchemy of Time," and it was a true labor of love. Throughout the project, I was captivated and inspired by the natural beauty of the area and the rich history of the Lachine Canal. My goal was to create a mural that would pay tribute to the past while also celebrating the present and future of this iconic waterway.
Working in collaboration with Parc Canada was an incredible experience, and their support was invaluable in bringing our vision to life. The completed mural is a stunning work of art that we are proud to have created and hope will continue to captivate and inspire visitors to the Lachine Canal for many years to come.

Photos credit : La Dionerie, Ranndomized
Collaboration with the talented artists Nicole Boyce and Gabriel Paquet

Mixed media
Size : 360 degrees
September 2020

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